Bright Star of 2B gathered for Eid Milan party on this weekend. Though all of them had already enjoyed their Eid with family but this was Eid with the friends. Smiling faces were telling the whole story that how much happy all of them were. In colourful dresses the kids were showing a wonderful picture of galaxy.

It was indeed a day full of fun and enjoyment.

Aren't we the real stars?

We love to enjoy together

We gonna enjoy some food together.

Welcome back to school

 Stars of 2B PakTurk G-10 campus came back to school after enjoying two-months long summer vacation. To welcome the students, school was beautifully decorated. Donald Duck and other characters were also ready to make the students happy and smiling. The shining faces of the students were clearly showing that they were so much pleased to see their friends, teachers and school. We wish these shining stars very successful second term.